Exhibition14 Sep – 17 Nov 2018
Dynamics of Air
How do designers, artists, scientists and researchers work with an intangible atmospheric medium such as air? Explore it, alter it, adjust it,…
How do you recreate the external environment of a forest or beach inside an art gallery? Curator Malte Wagenfeld will discuss the challenges of creating the exhibition Dynamics of Air, presented at RMIT Gallery in partnership with the Goethe-Institut.
Join Wagenfeld, German designer Thomas Auer and artist Edith Kollath as they take audiences through the ideas and themes behind the exhibition, which explores the dynamics of the climates in which we all live.
Wagenfeld and Auer will discuss their joint project Outside_In, an experiential environment inspired by the forest and beach, dappled shade and sun, pockets of cool moist air and patches of radiant warmth. The installation seeks to capture such experiences within the gallery allowing visitors to transverse through and languish within different microclimates.
They will discuss the perceptual tricks and challenges of producing such environments and why experiments such as these not only provide a rich dialogue to contemplate the importance of transient bodily experiences and climate, but also how such gallery installations perform an important experimental template for investigating new models for sustainable and passive design strategies in the built environment.
Berlin based artist, Edith Kollath will discuss four works she developed for Dynamics of Air; ‘Nothing Will Ever be the Same’, a delicate almost transparent sheet which gently falls from the ceiling only to be resurrected and then fall again. Like all her pieces in this exhibition, it explores breath, its rhythm and its qualities regarding room and time. In ‘Limits of Breath’, five videos play simultaneously, with five people passing breath to each other, visualised through exploding blown glass bubbles (filmed in ultra-high definition) which are inhaled and exhaled.
‘Wandering Breath’ and ‘Breath Exchanger’ explore the shared medium of air through breath, its intimacy and preciousness. Kollath will invite audience members to exchange breath through a specially built glass instrument that enables air to be shared whilst filtering out all germs, bacteria and viruses; further highlighting the intimacy and anxiety of sharing the invisible yet palpable medium of air with others.
Dynamics of Air (14 Sept – 17 Nov) is a new exhibition curated by Malte Wagenfeld showcasing specially commissioned works by designers, creative practitioners and engineers that captures the beauty, dynamics and sensuality of air in our built environment.
Images: ‘Nothing will ever be the same’ Edith Kollath, 2011. Mixed media installation: textile, electronic mechanism. Dimensions variable. Photos courtesy of the artist.
Exhibition Partners and Sponsors:
Exhibition14 Sep – 17 Nov 2018
How do designers, artists, scientists and researchers work with an intangible atmospheric medium such as air? Explore it, alter it, adjust it,…
Event13 Sep 2018
RMIT Gallery in partnership with the Goethe-Institut presents Dynamics of Air You are invited to the opening of Dynamics of Air at RMIT Gallery on…
Event25 Oct 2018
Clouds, cotton candy and creativity will all merge during this performance, where German artist Mikael Mikael takes a more playful approach to the phenomenon…
Event18 Oct 2018
The invisibility of air means that we often struggle to perceive its magnitude, while birds such as Kestrels can sense flow disturbances…
Event1 Nov 2018
Join Dr Malte Wagenfeld, Senior Lecturer of Industrial Design at RMIT and Professor Jane Burry, Dean of Design at Swinburne University, when…
Event9 Oct 2018
Dive in to the world of scientific photography and the studies of supersonic motion, when artist Phred Petersen walks you through his…
Event11 Oct 2018
Join us for an artist talk at RMIT Gallery about Polar Force, a new project by Speak Percussion to be presented by Arts Centre Melbourne…
Event15 Sep 2018
As part of the Dynamics of Air exhibition, the renowned Breathe Earth Collective from Austria are travelling to Melbourne to talk about their work…
Event8 Nov 2018
Join internationally recognised artist Cameron Robbins as he talks about his wind drawings created by a wind-powered mechanical instrument that transcribes weather…