Exhibition1 Dec 2017 – 10 Mar 2018
water + wisdom Australia India
This new exhibition creatively explores contemporary issues surrounding water. Drawing on extensive research by experts from India and Australia, water + wisdom Australia…
Water = Life. What happens when we run out? That’s the crisis Cape Town is facing. What can we learn from traditional knowledge of the stewardship of water to prevent a similar crisis?
RMIT Gallery’s exhibition water+wisdom Australia India looks at the importance of waterways in our lives, and explores how artists, researchers and film makers continue to tell the story of the stewardship of water through creative activities.
This international water+wisdom symposium provides an opportunity to be inspired, network and explore ideas about creative responses to ancient wisdom regarding water.
Speakers (India) Parineeta Dandekar, Coordinator, South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers and People; Vibha Galhotra, Conceptual artist (Australia) N’Ahweet Carolyn Briggs, Indigenous language specialist and Boonwurrung Elder; Aunty Di Kerr, Wurundjeri Elder; Rueben Berg, Victorian Environmental Water Holder Commissioner; Dr Matthew Currell, RMIT Senior Lecturer, Hydrogeology & Environmental Engineering; Dr Justine Philip, PhD Ecosystem Management, Museum Victoria Associate; Dr Sandra Brizga, River Management Specialist, Deborah Hart, arts-focussed activist & writer, and artists Glenda Nicholls , Carmel Wallace and Judy Watson.
Photo: Mark Ashkanasy, RMIT Gallery, 2017
Exhibition1 Dec 2017 – 10 Mar 2018
This new exhibition creatively explores contemporary issues surrounding water. Drawing on extensive research by experts from India and Australia, water + wisdom Australia…
water+wisdom Australia India explores the unknown beauty of the water and its strong connection with people throughout the history of both countries. RMIT…
The exhibition water+wisdom: Australia India (RMIT Gallery, 1 December 2017 – 10 March 2018) looked at the importance of natural…
N’Ahweet Carolyn Briggs, Indigenous language specialist and Boonwurrung Elder, and Aunty Di Kerr, Wurundjeri Elder, share their traditional knowledge of the Victorian…