
Digital Resources


Dynamics of air: Climate & Design

      Click here to listen Climate & Design – Thomas Auer & Edith Kollath talk with the Curator 14/09/18 Highlights Discussed…


Beyond taxidermy: Kate Clark & Julia deVille

New York-based sculptor Kate Clark’s work synthesizes human faces with the bodies of animals, while Melbourne jeweller and taxidermist Julia deVille work…


My Monster: The Human Animal Hybrid

The My Monster exhibition has opened at RMIT Gallery. Listen to curator Dr Evelyn Tsitas talk to Communications Specialist Aeden Ratcliffe about…


Dynamics of air: salt tower video

The Breathe Earth Collective are building a climatic installation as one part of Dynamics of air, inspired by a traditional salt tower…


Dynamics of Air: exhibition video

How do designers, artists, scientists and researchers work with an intangible atmospheric medium such as air? Explore it, alter it, adjust it,…


White clouds of sugar: performance video

Clouds, cotton candy and creativity will all merge during this performance, where German artist Mikael Mikael takes a more playful approach to the phenomenon…


Chaos and Order, 120 years of collecting at RMIT

Chaos & Order: 120 years of collecting at RMIT (13 April–9 June) at RMIT Gallery showcases a wide range of Australian and international art…

Stephen HALEY, Products and Producers 2018 acrylic on linen 81 x 81 cm Courtesy of the artist and MARS Gallery, Melbourn


Symposium: Making art in a post digital age

Click here to listen and make art in a post digital age. We live in a time suffused by the digital in…