Exhibition6 May – 11 Jun 2016
Streets of Papunya: the re-invention of Papunya painting
Celebrating the renaissance of painting that has occurred in one of the best-known locations of art production in Central Australia, since the…
Gordon Bennett describes his background as an indigenous Australian as being fundamental to his view of life and his artistic expression.
He refers to colonial history and the documented violence towards Aborigines by the early colonists as well as the current issues of death in custody of Aborigines in the 1990’s.
This exhibition of 120 works forms a visual essay of Bennett’s print-media practice between 1984 to 2004. Included in this exhibition are examples of his earlier traditional and labour-intensive printmaking techniques to his recent computer generated printing, tracing his various motivations for the move out of print, into the print-out.
Bennett’s practise has spanned various media including painting, print, video, performance, drawing, installation and more recently sound, animation and music clips.
Exhibition6 May – 11 Jun 2016
Celebrating the renaissance of painting that has occurred in one of the best-known locations of art production in Central Australia, since the…
Exhibition15 Sep – 8 Nov 2014
Warlayirti will examine the aesthetic divergences and vibrancy that distinguishes the art of Balgo and the importance of Christianity to the Balgo…
Exhibition28 Jun – 25 Aug 2012
Yulyurlu – Lorna Fencer Napurrurla is the first major survey exhibition of desert artist Yulyurlu (c1924-2006) that traces her development as a…
Exhibition15 Sep – 8 Nov 2014
This exhibition will include works by Gija artists, both past and present, which explore aspects of the rich and significant story Garnkiny…