Exhibition8 Feb – 23 Mar 2019
The Model Citizen
Are you a model citizen? Meet the micro lenses of surveillance and audit culture; the algorithm of benign search engines; the political…
The very definition of what a citizen is, and what citizenship entails, is highly vexatious, particularly in the age of wanton consumption, feverish globalisation and the flow of migration.
This exhibition explores the concepts behind the citizenship: the micro lenses of surveillance and audit culture; the algorithm of benign search engines; the political poetry of embodied dance; the veneer of the celebrity citizen; the performative monotony of routine; the bio-power of the viral robot; the ghostly noise of a thousand newsreaders speaking all at once, and the hopeful threads and fibres of participatory culture.
Curators: Sean Redmond and Darrin Verhagen
Artists: Asim Bhatti with John McCormick and Adam Nash, David Cross, Larissa Hjorth, Leah Kardos with Sean Redmond, Jondi Keane, Bronek Kozka, Lyn McCredden with Shaun McLeod and Olivia Millard, Patrick Pound with Rowan McNaught, Victor Renolds, Sadia Sadia, Polly Stanton, Darren Verhagen and (((20hz)))
Exhibition8 Feb – 23 Mar 2019
Are you a model citizen? Meet the micro lenses of surveillance and audit culture; the algorithm of benign search engines; the political…
The persistent issues of who is and is not an Australian citizen are creatively explored in The Model Citizen. RMIT Gallery is…
News7 Feb 2019
The Model Citizen (8 Feb 11:00am – 23 Mar 5:00pm) exhibition resource kit is now available. The material in this resource is designed to provide…