Exhibition21 Feb – 27 May 2023
Radical Utopia
Melbourne in the 1980s was the site for new ideas to emerge, bend and transform the city, making its mark in post-modern design…
RMIT Design Archives Journal Vol 13, No 1, 2023
Published to accompany the exhibition ‘Radical Utopia: An Archaeology of a Creative City,’ RMIT Gallery, February-May, 2023, this issue, edited by Harriet Edquist and Helen Stuckey, includes articles on the design culture of 1980s Melbourne.
Together, the authors’ contributions document the revitalisation of Melbourne and its suburbs at a micro level. Their focus is not on the large economic, urban, institutional, and commercial agendas that forced change on the city, rather, they detail the small studios and the creative interventions into the city fabric that gradually helped infuse life back into its streets and create a shared culture.
The contributors are: Dr. Karen Burns; Harriet Edquist, Co-curator of the exhibition; Marius Foley; Dr Sally Gray; Dr Timothy Moore; Helen Stuckey, Co-curator of the exhibition; Olga Tsara, State Library Victoria; and Melanie Swalwell, Swinburne University.
Publication supported by the Gordon Darling Foundation.