Exhibition14 Sep – 17 Nov 2018
Dynamics of Air
How do designers, artists, scientists and researchers work with an intangible atmospheric medium such as air? Explore it, alter it, adjust it,…
The Breathe Earth Collective are building a climatic installation as one part of Dynamics of air, inspired by a traditional salt tower or ‘Gradierwerk’ tower.
Dynamics of air (14 Sep 2018 -17 Nov 2018) explores radical innovations for creative sustainability in design and the built environment and brings together leading local and international artists and designers.
Preview image: Breathe Earth Collective, Austria, Aerosol, 2018, timber, water, pumps, fans, Murray River pink salt, melaleuca bush, courtesy of the artists, Austrian Trade Commission, Sydney and the Murray Riveer Salt Company.
Exhibition14 Sep – 17 Nov 2018
How do designers, artists, scientists and researchers work with an intangible atmospheric medium such as air? Explore it, alter it, adjust it,…
Event15 Sep 2018
As part of the Dynamics of Air exhibition, the renowned Breathe Earth Collective from Austria are travelling to Melbourne to talk about their work…