Exhibition8 Feb – 23 Mar 2019
The Model Citizen
Are you a model citizen? Meet the micro lenses of surveillance and audit culture; the algorithm of benign search engines; the political…
The Model Citizen (8 Feb 11:00am – 23 Mar 5:00pm) exhibition resource kit is now available. The material in this resource is designed to provide a deeper understanding of the exhibition, and is to be used in conjunction with other resources generated by RMIT Gallery – the exhibition catalogue, didactic labels, artworks, videos, podcasts and virtual tour.
The kit includes: curator’s statement, exhibition themes, media release, and a glossary of technical terms, as well as Q & A with two curators, taking about how they planed the exhibition starting from an academic workshop.
About the exhibition…
The Model Citizen is orientated around two intersecting points: how modelling enables artists to reshape and remake the world; and how citizenship is itself crafted out of forms of selfhood and belonging that are represented to be ideal or exemplary. This exhibition is caught between these two vexing poles of exploring rights and freedoms verses restrictions and oppressions, and it is the intention of the artists to test, question, and undermine how, why and when we become – or not – prototypical model citizens.
The Model Citizen is a valuable exhibition for VCE Studio Arts students. To make a booking for a free guided tour please contact RMIT Gallery on (03) 9925 1717. Guided tours are being taken from Friday 8th February to Saturday 23rd March.
The Model Citizen is on until Saturday 23rd March 2019.
Image: Larissa Hjorth, #dearfuturecitizen, 2019, installation image by Mark Ashkanasy