Exhibition12 Apr – 1 Jun 2019
Bruised: Art Action and Ecology in Asia
When it comes to ways in which artists address ecological issues, actions can be big or small – it’s the action that…
RMIT Gallery will be closed on the following dates over the Easter period, from April 19-April 23:
The Gallery will be open on Wednesday 24th April. Normal opening hours will resume from Friday April 26.
We invite you in to view our exhibition Bruised: Art Action & Ecology in Asia.
There are many surprises – including artist Lizzy Simpson’s you shares me shares… everything...an immersive cross-media installation sourced from the many environments within which the artist lives and travels, from culture and nature, working together to manifest interconnections between human and non-human.
Using materials such as compost and exhibiting living things, Lizzy presents a tale of constant mutability. While attending to the care of this installation, she shares food and welcomes conversation. Many wondrous things are presented in this installation and prompt stories of our enmeshed, often distanced, relationship with the things with which we coexist.
Lizzy explains: “During a recent residency in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, I was witness to Jogja’s many collective groups. Through art, science, education, and the growing, making and distribution of food, these collectives sought alternative narratives with which to grapple with rapid worldwide changes. They concentrated on working toward more positive outcomes for their local and global environments. This residency experience was instrumental in the continuing development of this work.”