Exhibition12 Apr – 1 Jun 2019
Bruised: Art Action and Ecology in Asia
When it comes to ways in which artists address ecological issues, actions can be big or small – it’s the action that…
Bruised: Art, Action & Ecology in Asia closes on Saturday, 1 June, at 5:00 pm.
RMIT Gallery’s warm hearted environmental exhibition has won praise from audiences, who have flocked to see the popular show. Don’t miss out!
Here is what the audiences are saying…
Saw an amazing exhibition @rmitgallery during the week: “Bruised: Art Action & Ecology in Asia”.
On show until 1 June to coincide with @climarteaus, this exhibition features a range of works “examining how artistic response combined with gentle activism can result in a rich legacy and empower further actions in the community”.
I was truly mesmerised by the pieces on display. A big congratulations to all of the artists featured.
Only been here a few hours and already surrounded by incredible art and food.
Also having a lot of fun with my tripod whilst people look at me weirdly 😅
This exhibition was based on consumerism..very inspiring…
“Very interesting and mindful of everyday life”
“Best show I’ve seen at this gallery in the past few years – amazing artists”
“Wow, what a fabulous delve into probably our worlds biggest problem…brilliant aspects, creatively and succinctly addressed. “
Bruised: Art Action and Ecology in Asia is part of ART+CLIMATE=CHANGE 2019 23 April–19 May, a socially-engaged festival of exhibitions, theatre works, keynote lectures, events and artist talks considering climate change impacts and the challenges and opportunities arising from climate change.