Experience the next generation of emerging spatial sound artists
Murmurations brings together new sound works by emerging composers, public discussion with leaders in Australia’s spatial sound art community and compositions by influential multichannel artists from across the globe.
Presented by Starlings Spatial Sound Collective (comprising artists Lisa Bartolomei, Gillian Lever, and Joshua Peters) in collaboration with Spatial Information Architecture Laboratory (SIAL) and RMIT Art Collection, Murmurations is an opportunity for audiences to experience the physicality of sound as it inhabits space.
Held in the Black Box space in the RMIT Media Precinct, Murmurations will utilise the multichannel system to create a unique listening experience. This is a chance to hear the next generation of spatial sound artists spread their wings.
The event kicks off on October 7th with a spatial sound symposium, where leading practitioners in the field of spatial sound will give insight into their working methods. Starlings will then present four 8-channel works from the RMIT Sonic Arts Collection; Christine Groult’s Si je les écoutais (2008), Bill Fontana’s Kirribilli Wharf (1976), Daniel Teruggi’s Spaces of Mind (2004) as well as the sonic journey Into the Labyrinth (2000) by Hildegard Westerkamp. The evening rounds out with members of the Starlings Collective diffusing works live over a set of 16 speakers.
As part of Murmurations, SIAL elective students will diffuse their own compositions on 10th October for the annual Spatial Sound Composition and Diffusion (SSCAD) concert at RMIT’s new Black Box Space.
Murmurations combines talks by leaders in the fields of spatial sound, listening sessions of works by seminal artists from the RMIT Sonic Arts Collection and concerts by emerging artists from Starlings Spatial Sound Collective and RMIT SIAL students to give a broad overview of the multiplicity of practice in this exciting field.
Tickets are free and can be reserved for each concert or event separately.
Murmurations Spatial Sound Festival is presented on Sunday 7th October, 1-9pm and Wednesday 10th October, 10am at RMIT University, Black Box, Building 14, Level 2 – Swanston St 414-418, Melbourne.
Story by Evelyn Tsitas
Media Enquiries
For interviews:
- Lisa Rae Bartolomei, lisaraepsychotronica@gmail.com, 0450 107 878.
- Gillian Lever, gillianlever@gmail.com, 0468 829 929.
For general media enquiries:
- starlingscollective@gmail.com or numbers listed above.
Starlings online: www.gillianlever.com/starlings
Facebook https: www.facebook.com/pages/category/Art/Starlings-561418514217985/