RMIT Gallery: Internship and volunteer opportunities
The academic year has started and new appealing opportunities are opening in 2019 to work at RMIT Gallery!
Are you curious to see how an art exhibition is organised? Would you feel excited to be in a dynamic environment? Would you like to join a community that has a mission to promote culture and art education?

Photo by Viola Bianca Biamonti
“I always loved being around art, and this is the reason why I was driven to apply for an internship at RMIT Gallery. I discovered working for this gallery means sharing a very good time with creative people in a creative environment. I am really satisfied with this period at RMIT Gallery; my days have been colored by different communicative tasks starting from the editing of different publishing platforms, through to promoting events on many different media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Eventbrite – even podcast design.
The part that I loved was playing an active role in the pursuit of the Gallery’s mission: that is a space for artistic growth and experimentation. I got the opportunity to have dialogues with contemporary artists. As an international student, it allowed me the opportunity to better appreciate Australia’s rich artistic culture. Coherently with the University’s purposes, the team at RMIT Gallery reflects RMIT’s ethos, in a positive and participatory spirit, and supports me on my journey and learning. My curiosity has been stimulated in the arts, and this is certainly the most valuable experience I had as an intern.
My personal challenge was to develop the ability to transform creative ideas into reality, and I’m able to see on the gallery’s website provides a strong e-communicative skill. In conclusion I feel enriched by this experience – I had a great opportunity to learn from everybody and discover a new way of approaching art, and realised how I could play an active role in being part of the decision making process in the artworld. ”
Viola Bianca Biamonti, Intern at RMIT Gallery, January-March 2019.
RMIT Gallery are looking for volunteers in the gallery – both for casual positions, and as part of the formal WIL (Work Integrated Learning) program in Media and Communications, and Arts Management.
Working at RMIT Gallery provides volunteers with the chance to improve their resume and showcase their capabilities and enthusiasm to future employers.
Requirements: Internships are open to everyone will look for a diversity of interests, backgrounds and experience. We are looking for interns who are committed, hard-working, positive, open-minded, reflective and willing to learn.
Purpose of Internships: The interns will be given specific tasks and responsibilities and will be challenged to develop their capabilities and gain experience. They are expected to be flexible and to take part in various activities at the office and sometimes around the RMIT campus.
Story by Evelyn Tsitas