Exhibition12 Apr – 1 Jun 2019
Bruised: Art Action and Ecology in Asia
When it comes to ways in which artists address ecological issues, actions can be big or small – it’s the action that…
Bruised: Art Action and Ecology in Asia which opens on Thursday 11 April 6-8 pm, is part of ART+CLIMATE=CHANGE 2019, a socially-engaged festival of ideas, exhibitions and events.
Presenting over thirty curated exhibitions at leading museums and galleries across Melbourne and regional Victoria, the 2019 festival, which runs from 23 April–19 May, considers ideas and concepts around art and activism, community engagement, energy transition and accelerated action on climate change.
Bronwyn Johnson, Executive Director and Director of ART+CLIMATE=CHANGE 2019 festival, toured the exhibition installation with curator Helen Rayment.
“Critical thinking by artists on exhibition here at RMIT Gallery provides a unique and innovative ways to communicate, understand and feel the enormity of the environmental and climate challenge before us. In many instances the artists are sharing personal stories that reflect their lived experience and concerns,” she said.
“Issues concerning food security, land use and forced migration make us readily understand that Earth’s ecology supports all life on Earth and that we are part of nature and not separate from it.”
Helen Rayment said that artists and their work are now one the best ways to stay informed about the state of the world.
“Artists agitate and share stories that we may not otherwise hear, and provide poetic insights, such as Yu Fang Chi’s work, which comments on the impact of consumerism using a beautifully crafted version of the ubiquitous plastic shopping bag.”
For more information about ART+CLIMATE=CHANGE 2019: www.artclimatechange.org
Story by Evelyn Tsitas
Join us at the ART+CLIMATE=CHANGE 2019keynote events:
Museums & Activism: Slaying the Zombie Myth of Institutional Neutrality
Speakers: Beka Economopoulos and Jason Jones (USA)
Co-founders of The Natural History Museum and Not An Alternative, a collective that works at the intersection of art, activism and theory.
DATE: Tue 30 April, 6.30pm – 8.00pm
VENUE: Deakin Edge Theatre, Federation Square, Melbourne
A Museum for the path ahead: New York City’s Climate Museum
Speakers: Miranda Massie (USA), Director, Climate Museum, New York City.
This keynote will address why we need a cultural shift in response to the climate crisis, and why dedicated climate museums are a necessary, though not sufficient, component of that shift.
DATE: Wed 1 May, 6.30pm – 8.00pm
VENUE: Carillo Gantner Theatre, Sidney Myer Asia Centre, The University of Melbourne, 761 Swanston St, Parkville.