Siemens-RMIT Fine Art Awards
Now in its eighth year, the prestigious Siemens-RMIT Fine Art Scholarship Awards enable students to further their careers in the field of fine arts by assisting with research and production costs.
Eight students will receive scholarships comprising five undergraduate travel scholarships and three postgraduate scholarships to a total of $32,000. One artist will also receive the $1000 Siemens Fine Arts Acquisition Award.
Winners of Siemens-RMIT Fine Art Scholarship Awards 2008
Undergraduate awards
Undergraduate Scholarship Awards of $2000 for travel go to:
- Bryony Crawford, from Honours Painting for her work ‘Ragamuffin’
- Beau Emmett, from BA, Sculpture, for the work “Seed Bed – Acconci’s Caravan”
- Carmenza Jimenez – Osorio, from year three Painting, with her work entitled ’Apartheid Harp ‘
- Bettina Garnier, who is a first year Painting student, for the computer based work ’ME Video’
- Georgina Humphries, from Honours Ceramics and Sculpture, with the work ’The Sketched Work-Site’
The judges had a very difficult decision and would like to acknowledge the quality of undergraduate works by Di Ellis, Harry Metcalf and Shoshanna Jordan for honourable mention.
Postgraduate awards
The three Postgraduate Scholarship Awards of $7000 each go to:
- Jeremy Bakker, MA candidate, with the group of works ‘Alone Together, Cluster and Quiet’
- Suzanne Pearce, MFA student, for the work ’Antecedents’
- Bruce Slatter, PHD candidate, with the three works ‘Displaced, Green Skip, and Offside’