Exhibition8 Feb – 23 Mar 2019
The Model Citizen
Are you a model citizen? Meet the micro lenses of surveillance and audit culture; the algorithm of benign search engines; the political…
In this introductory talk to the RMIT Gallery exhibition The Model Citizen (8 Feb – 23 March), curators Sean Redmond and and Darrin Verhagen discuss the creative challenges faced when curating a diverse body of work, and the pressing political challenges that artists face in the age of post-truth citizenship. The talk will end with a Q & A.
Image: Larissa Hjorth, #dearfuturecitizen, 2019, interactive installation (detail), courtesy of the artist
The Model Citizen (8 Feb – 23 March 2019) invites audiences to decide what sort of citizens they want to be. From harvesting the data of the dead to hybrid bio robot citizens, the high stakes are explored in this compelling new exhibition.