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The model citizen: exhibition video

The very definition of what a citizen is, and what citizenship entails, is highly vexatious, particularly in the age of wanton consumption,…


Dynamics of air: salt tower video

The Breathe Earth Collective are building a climatic installation as one part of Dynamics of air, inspired by a traditional salt tower…


Dynamics of Air: exhibition video

How do designers, artists, scientists and researchers work with an intangible atmospheric medium such as air? Explore it, alter it, adjust it,…


White clouds of sugar: performance video

Clouds, cotton candy and creativity will all merge during this performance, where German artist Mikael Mikael takes a more playful approach to the phenomenon…


Dynamics of air: artists video

Dynamics of Air (14 Sep 2018 – 17 Nov 2018) explores radical innovations for creative sustainability in design and the built environment, bringing together…


Analogue art in a digital world

The exhibition will explore how artists are finding new content in digital media and how technology has altered the nature of analogue art…


My Monster: The Human Animal Hybrid

My Monster: The Human Animal Hybrid (RMIT Gallery 29th June – 18th Aug 2018) explores our enduring fascination with the merging of…


Chaos & Order – 120 years of collecting at RMIT

Chaos & Order celebrates over 80 Australian and international artists in an ambitious survey of the RMIT Art Collection. Image: Sam Jinks…