
Anna Vasof: Clone Making Workshop

Greek installation, performance and media-artist Anna Vasof leads an intensive multiday workshop in which participants will construct hideous replicas of themselves which will then inhabit the exhibition. 

“Over four days, we will build accurate clones of ourselves to participate in a two-month-long team meeting. These clones will enable us to be present and engaged in the meeting, while we focus on other tasks or projects simultaneously. This project is a critical commentary on the useless and endless team meetings that dominate the Western working world.” – Anna Vasof. 

First Site Gallery
Basement, 344 Swanston Street, Melbourne 

FREE, Registration essential.

This program is a part of Replica School. A replica of a school, a school of replication. A hideous school foregrounding replication. An expanded program of performances, talks, workshops, screenings and other uncanny encounters taking place at RMIT and various venues in Melbourne.


Exhibition23 Aug – 16 Nov 2024

This Hideous Replica

Lifting its title from a misheard line in a 1980 song by The Fall about a reclusive dog breeder whose ‘hideous replica’…

Event28 Aug 2024

Mochu: Great Chain of Stains or Incompatible Rationalities on the Web reading group

An unscripted conversation, watching-and-reading group with artist and writer Mochu exploring the possibilities and impossibilities of experimental writing after the internet.  We’ll…