Installation photo, The Weimar Republic, RMIT Gallery, 1997.

Installation photo, The Weimar Republic, RMIT Gallery, 1997.

Installation photo, The Weimar Republic, RMIT Gallery, 1997.

George Grosz, Beauty, Thee I Praise, 1919. Exhibited at RMIT Gallery as a part of the Weimar Republic exhibition.
The Weimar Republic
German Prints and Drawings 1918-1933
This exhibition features the work of 24 artists including Gerd Arntz, Max Beckmann, Otto Dix, George Grosz, Kathe Kollwitz, Rudolph Schlichter, Bernhard Kretzschmer & Jeanne Mammen.
A German Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations Travelling Exhibition in association with the Goethe-Institut Melbourne. Australian Tour organised by the Art Gallery of Western Australian.