
Crossing Boundaries: Bali – a window to twentieth century Indonesian art

This inspiring exhibition communicates the development of Indonesian art in the 20th Century against the background of major political and cultural events, using Bali as the touchstone. Key issues such as Dutch Colonialism, the impact of war, the declaration of independence and Indonesian Democracy are addressed through the various phases of Indonesian art. Presented with the Asia Society.


Artists: Affandi, Jero Wayan Amer Ambarie, Cokorde Istri Mas Astiti, Abul Aziz, Dewa Putu Bedil,  I Wayan Bendi, I Made Budhiana, I Made Budi, I Made Djirna, Irwandi Dodi, Heri Dono, I Nyoman Erawan, Gusti Agung Galuh, Cokorda Oka Gambir, Nyoman Gunarsa, Hendra Gunawan, Mohamad Hadi, Hardi (or Suhardi), Kartika Affandi, Nisak Indri Khayati, I Gusti Nyoman Lempad, Kak Lui (aka Ktut Kuta), I Nyoman Masriadi, I Gusti Kadek Murniasih, I Ketut Ngendon, Kadek Janggo Paramarta, Djoko Pekik, I Made Pitja, Ida Bagus Nyoman Rai, Anak Agung Gede Sobrat, Ida Bagus Sodang, Soebroto, I Made Soekarja, Srihadi Soedarsono, Ni Made Suciarmi, Sindudarsono Sudjojono, I Made Sukadana, Pande Gede Supada, Dede Eri Supria, Ida Bagus Surya Darma, Ida Bagus Made Tibah, I Wayan Goenaksa Toenas, Ida Bagus Made Togog, I Ketut Tombelos, Mat Ucup, I Made Wianta, Widayat